Friday, April 24, 2009

#996 Fried PETA

Sometimes you want to say, can’t we all just get along? No matter what the issue there seems to be one side and another each passionately defending their point of view. Lately it’s the Colonel and People for Ethical Treatment of Animals. The PETA people and the Kentucky Fried Colonel are having trouble finding some common ground.
As always, the street of political realities is strewn with potholes. But in this case it really is about actual potholes. In a bizarre battle of public relations, the folks from KFC offered Cleveland, Ohio, some free roadwork. In exchange for spending thousands of dollars to repair potholes, KFC asked to label each repaired pothole with a temporary masking that said “Re-Freshed by KFC.”
And that’s what got PETA fried. They say KFC stands for Kentucky Fried Cruelty, and accused them of a mile-long record of animal abuse. They counter-offered Cleveland to fill their potholes and spray signs on that said, “KFC Tortures Animals.”
Cleveland turned down both offers. It’s too bad residents have to bust their suspensions because politics and potholes bumped into each other.
But, as my friend Andy said, “It does pave the way for some fowl humor.”
Personally, I suspect free offers. KFC must have needed some way to dispose of all their excess fry grease. Why not mix it with tar and gravel and fill potholes?
Yeah, I’d like my pothole filling extra crispy.
The workers don’t even need to be abreast of current training, according to KFC, they’re encouraging them to wing it. At least four other cities have jumped in and said yes, so KFC seems to have a leg up on PETA.
I guess chicken grease potholes sound better than potholes filled with what PETA must have been offering—their famous bread.
But somehow I think there’s a possibility everyone may have been overlooking. The whole “Refresh KFC” idea could mean an opportunity to promote a new salad menu.
And the more fast-food salad people eat, the less factory chickens rendered to stick in PETA’s gizzard.
But it does answer one question: Why did the Kentucky Fried Chicken cross the road? To fill a pothole.
America, ya gotta love it.

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