Monday, October 15, 2007

#619 Jointed

I have a few disjointed observations today.
Is the opposite of disjointed, jointed?
He gave a disjointed presentation. He gave a jointed presentation? His thoughts were totally disjointed. His thoughts were totally jointed?
Makes sense I guess, but it doesn’t seem to work like being overwhelmed and, say, underwhelmed. I like the people who aren’t extremely impressed one way or the other—they’re just whelmed.
One thing that whelmed me recently was the ceiling fans in an old Catholic church in Spokane. I had been worrying at one point over the best direction a ceiling fan must go to push air down. This church I was in was about three stories tall in its nave, or possibly its narthex, I was never very good with medieval Catholic architecture. In any event, the fans were turning counterclockwise, from the perspective of me looking up at them.
I figure that solves the problem. If a huge room in hot Spokane has the fans turning that way, and if it has been decided by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, which according to many, are the direct representatives of God on earth, then it’s good enough for me.
The only big building hot air specialists I would defer to more would be, um, congress.
Speaking of congress, or the potential thereof, I drove by this old hotel the other day and they had a sign out saying they were “Under New Management.” Right underneath that, it said “Karaoke.”
After some looking around, I figured they were sharing their sign with the restaurant lounge next door but my first thought was, cool. There’s a great new incentive to rent a room—built-in karaoke.
I’ve seen home karaoke parties that were lots of fun. Maybe this could be a new hotel amenity.
“Look honey, they got Magic Fingers in the bed, wall-mounted TV screen, Coffee Host plugged into the bathroom wall, and a well-stocked karaoke machine. I can sing hunka hunka burning love and we can get the ceiling fans spinning—if you know what I mean.
Hey, don’t look so whelmed...”
America, ya gotta love it

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