Tuesday, January 15, 2013

1901 Appventure

I was reading up on smartypants phones the other day and I admit, I was quite impressed with all the new labor-saving features they've built into them. Pretty darn amazing, that the computing power in one of those little things does more than a whole roomful of desktops in the 80s.
But back then we had something the smartyphoners of today lack. A real sense of adventure. Because real adventure can only come with real risk.
I guess that's one reason I've resisted joining the hive. I really don't want the other drone bees knowing all my private dances.
Take the GPS function built into every phone. It can really help you in traffic. Telling you out loud when and where to turn, with real-time assist for traffic jams and such. Pretty convenient.
It'll even label pictures taken on your phone with time of day and geographical position. Pretty spooky.
Further, if you screw up on a wilderness outing, that GPS can help rescuers find you. So where's the adventure in that? A rescue just a phone call away. Kind of makes it easy not to plan or train or do any of the preparation things that build your sense of competence and personal responsibility.
"Welcome to the summit... and welcome to you too, Siri."
And it means any misguided authority can track you anywhere too. So it comes down to the modern equation, fear versus freedom, or how much freedom would you be willing to trade to eliminate fear?
A recent poll indicated how much. 30% of Americans said they'd be willing to endure a mandatory body cavity search to fly on an airplane.
To keep it impersonal, the TSA folks will probably have an app for their phones. I can hear Siri's voice...
"Bend.. over.. now..."
America, ya gotta love it.

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