Friday, May 01, 2009

#1000 Words R Fun

If you’ve been patient enough to listen to any number of the last thousand commentaries I’ve done, you’ll know that I have a fascination with words.
My inner poet loves the sounds of them. The round sounds know no bounds.
And my analytical mind loves how they often sound like what they are—or something entirely different.
Take the word crepuscular. I came across it the other day. The context in which it was used left room for doubt so I went to the dictionary to find out its meaning. It sounds like it could be something really disgusting.
If you’re sensitive I’m sorry, but it sounds like it could be a crust of dried-on pus. Crepuscular. Thin and crepe-like too. A crepe-like dried-on crust of, well... you know. Nope. Crepuscular means of or related to twilight. A crepuscular light would be a dim light.
I prefer the word dim.
I came across another word after I had done a commentary on Baptism. It is a word that means, “an office or position requiring little or no work, especially one yielding profitable returns.” But it sounds like another word for baptism.
The word is, you guessed it, sinecure. Your first baptism is kind of like a cure for sinning. You are reborn and stuff. Sinecure.
Or maybe it means if you have a highly paid position, you sure won’t have to steal bread, so a sinecure could actually cure the underlying reasons for some sins.
Another word I heard not long ago I’m still not sure of. It’s about the name of the profession that midwives do. If I were a midwife, I would be practicing not mid-wife-ery but mid-whiff-ery. Even though it’s spelled midwifery.
Why the whiff? I think it robs the profession of its gravitas. It makes it sound more evanescent somehow. Less substantial.
Mid-whiffery sounds like a magic trick, or a fragrance counter for moderately priced women’s colognes. Where they spritz little whiffs of stuff.
"What a lovely lilac and lavender fragrance."
"I know. I got it at the midwhiffery..."
They don't always make scents, but words sure are fun...
America, ya gotta love it.

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