Friday, February 29, 2008

#710 Acrimonial Text

I railed recently about the charges for texting and I didn’t even touch on a more insidious side of it. The old cellphone golden rule—as you give so shall your receive.
Except “golden” in this case means as in gold, as in money for the Ma Cells. The double whammy that means you’ll get charged whether you give the call or whether you receive the call.
And so it is with texting too. You’re just sitting there, minding your own business, and suddenly your cell buzzes in your pocket. You reach to answer it before it disturbs the room and it doesn’t buzz anymore. Oh, you think, that must be a text. And then it’s a junk text from your provider offering you new features.
At least you don’t get charged for that one, but it still upsets your concentration in the meeting.
Worse is when it really is someone you know and they are just saying that they miss you or something. Beautiful, wonderful, romantic—and 15 cents down the drain.
Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I’m not sentimental, I’m just not 15 cent-i-mental. Cause that’s the kind of wasted cents that makes me mental.
I want to give flowers and candy and gifts to my loved one. I don’t want to be charged to receive a message from my loved one. It’s like getting a Valentine’s card postage due.
When you care enough etc, you care enough to pay for your caring. Hey Honey, could I borrow five bucks to buy you some candy?
Oh well. At least I don’t have the problem of this guy in England. I don’t have to worry about revenge texting. Turns out, he had to get a restraining order against his ex-girlfriend because she inundated him with vicious texts. 10,000 over a period of two months. An average of one every eight minutes. That’s about 1500 bucks on my plan.
Now that’s insidious. Terrorizing a person by forcing them to be charged for unwanted texts. There’s a cost for that “no greater fury” stuff you hear about.
Nothing worse than a dreaded Texting Ex.
Or is that Ex Texter?
America, ya gotta love it.

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