Monday, November 06, 2006

#392 Hair Tonight

So the biggest problem men face with today’s prescription prostate drugs is impotence. But as I said in an earlier article one possibly positive side effect is a more luxuriant head of hair, or at least some peach fuzz if you’re bald already. And an impressive head of hair can make a man feel special indeed. A full head of hair and a nice outfit and the guy can say, like the old joke, if I’m gonna be impotent I’m gonna look impotent. But really, there ought to be a better way. Does it have to be a tradeoff between nighttime trips to the toilet and no other nighttime jaunts at all? Oh that devil prostate, enlarging around the urethra and shutting off the flow. Damming the river upstream and reducing the outlet to a dribble. Like the mighty Colorado trickling into the Gulf of California. It’s probably no surprise that Viagra and Finisteride came out about the same time. The prostate drug is a near essential. Every man suffers from benign prostate enlargement the older they get. And American men are getting older. But American men are still pretty proud, so you can bet even if the frequency of their intimate encounters has been reduced to long term marriage maintenance levels, they still want to have the option to indulge. So naturally, reading of the impotence side effect, many men who would benefit from shrinkage, prostate that is, would forgo the benefits in order to avoid the drawbacks. Soft thinking, you say? Fuzzy logic? Not an argument that would stand up? You don’t know men and their obsession with the part of them that defines manhood. So, as I say, lucky, or perhaps a master stroke of marketing, that Viagra came along when it did and provided men a much needed back up plan up front. Now a man can take finisteride, propecia, proscar or nascar in peace and know, should the need arise, he’ll be equipped for the task at hand. But there is actually a natural alternative to lining the drug company’s pockets with testosterone money. It’s called saw palmetto. Sounds like a horror movie doesn’t it? Saw Palmetto 3! Saw palmetto is a plant native to the American southeast. It’s a small palm-like shrubbery that produces prolific amounts of fruit. The fruit is ground up and used to formulate a dietary supplement whose powers to reduce prostate enlargement are legendary. And according to recent scientific surveys, real as well. It’s good to get formulations that include both zinc and essential fatty acids as well. Some prostate issues may be caused by circulation problems and all men need the acids and zinc as they age anyhow. Some formulas also include pumpkin seed powder. I have no idea why. Halloween a big urination holiday for the natural herbal supplement crowd? In any event, unlike most drugs there are no known side effects. That’s right, you won’t have to fork over for Viagra just so you can go through the night without going. Talk about feeling relieved.
America, ya gotta love it.

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