Wednesday, May 06, 2009

#1003 Eculogical

So are you an echo or an eeko? When it comes to logic and nomics and stuff. Echo-nomics and echo-logical? Or is it Eek-o-nomics and eek-o-logical?
I’ll hear people use it both ways. Sometimes in the same sentence. In these tough echo-nomic times we need to focus on green construction and eek-o-logical building methods. Or vice versa.
People can’t seem to decide. You say potato, I say potahto, let’s call the whole thing off and vacation in the Caribbean.
It’s funny though, when someone says echo-nomical I think it’s about times gone by. Today’s business climate is an echo of its former volume. Echo-nomics.
Then again, eek-o-nomics sounds like we’re all screeching at its horrible state. Eeek! This depression scares me!
Or maybe its eek-o-nomics when you have to eek out a living.
You never seem to have that pronunciation problem with a similar word like ecumenical. Perhaps because it’s unfamiliar to most people, so the first time they hear it they remember it that way. And possibly because it seems like it’s an almost sacred word, folks don’t mess with it.
The power of belief is the most powerful of human traits.
So I wonder how the ecumenical folks are doing during these tough economic times. A phrase I’m beginning to tire of, by the way. If I hear myself say “tough economic times” one more time, I going in for cliché-ectomy.
I read differing reports. Some say Americans are less religious than ever. Other reports say people are flocking back to religious institutions. I wonder if “religious institutions” includes church sponsored soup kitchens and breadlines?
I’m also wondering, is this the time to invest in the ecclesiastical, like church garments perhaps. Invest in vestments as it were.
They say the key to the recovery is a good business attitude. So maybe get into B.E.¾The Business of the Ecclesiastical. Then you can adopt a positive, um, B.E. Attitude.
Blessed are the businesspersons, for they can cast pearls before swine and make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear—and make it both eek-o-logical and echo-nomical.
America, ya gotta love it.

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