Friday, July 27, 2012

1791 Agin' It

This upcoming election may be a battle of for and against. And whichever is strongest will prevail. The positive or the negative, which energy is more powerful?
We've all heard the chestnut that it takes 47 complements to offset one criticism. (It may actually be 46 or 48.) The point is that we react to negatives a lot more. And there is good biological reason for that. At least if survival is your goal. Embracing a warm sunny day filled with flowers may be full of joy and all, but running like hell from a fire is probably going to see you to the next mating session better.
And while a polar bear may be magnificent and beautiful, it also has large teeth, and paws that could swipe your head off like a horizontal guillotine.
So an interesting factoid I read the other day may tell the tale of next November's election. A predictive poll as it were.
The poll said that 75% of the voters who plan to vote for President Obama in November are mainly for him, as opposed to against his opponent. But just 37% of the voters who plan to vote for Romney say they are mainly for him. 59% say they are mainly opposed to Obama.
Apparently 4% will get killed by a polar bear while they're trying to balance on the fence.
Sound good for Obama? Not so much. Because which emotion will drive people to the real polls? Love and joy? Or dislike and fear? I'm guessing love and joy will lead to comfort and complacency. And dislike and fear will lead to revolt and action.
You can have the thickest, softest horse blankets under a saddle you want.
But it only takes one burr to make a horse bolt.
America, ya gotta love it.

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