Thursday, August 06, 2009

#1067 Tuna Loin

So I’m riffling through one of the jillion phone books the other day looking for something and as is always the case with compendium type books, I start paying attention to everything but the thing I’m looking for.
I save so much time using an online dictionary. I can just look up one word without being caught by all the other words on the way to it, as I do in a physical dictionary.
So I noticed in passing through the many lawyer ads that some lawyers listed as a qualification that they were former judges. I wonder about that. Why aren’t they a judge now? Did they stop judging for a reason, and if so, was it voluntary or involuntary? Are they telling us they used to be a judge so we’ll think they have an inside track with the current judges? “I know people... we used to hang our robes in the same room...”
There’s no good reason they can give. “Not enough money in judging.” Makes you seem greedy. “I got tired of deciding all the time.” “I hated it when people said I was judgmental.” “I just want to be uncertain for a change.”
It’s a dilemma. I think I’d have the judgment to leave it out of my phone book resume.
Then I went further in the phone book and got stuck in the restaurant menus. This is not a place to go when you’re hungry at 3 am. All of them are closed then, but they still have these great mouth-watering descriptions. I saw one thing odd. This one restaurant serves yellow fin tuna loin.
Now I’m no ichthyologist. I skipped it in college because I thought it was an icky theology class. But in order to have a loin don’t you need to have a leg? I’ve always thought of loins as being crotch related. Inner thighs. As in gird your loins for battle.
Well thanks to phonebook tuna I found out I’m wrong. Curious about tuna loins, I went to an internet beef chart. It showed the loin as being on the lower back.
And in my judgment, fishes do have backs.
America, ya gotta love it.

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