Thursday, January 29, 2009

#935 Mildly Humorous

Back around New Years, I was at this party and a guy came up who recognized me from the Local Access TV show I did back in the 90s. He was much taken with it, and by extension, me.
“You were really funny,” he enthused, “I said to all my friends, this guy is really going places.”
“Thank you,” I said, “for making me very happy and very sad all at the same time.” Because here I still am... From wannabe to has-been without any of the annoying fame stuff in between. I’m counting my blessings though. Look at the great period of drug addiction, dissolute living and self-destructiveness I skipped right over.
No, I’ll just sit and nurture my small smoldering ember of creativity, condemned to plumb the depths of the mildly humorous.
Like yesterday’s essay dwelling on the reasoning behind the grocery store giving a six-cent rebate to people who bring their own bags. Why 6?
Or possibly reflecting on what would be the appropriate new description for a person born with no pigment. “Albino” is probably not right any more. Would the term chromatically–challenged suffice? I checked it online and it apparently is already being used by some people to describe those who are colorblind. Although I think a more accurate name for them would be chromo-visually challenged.
Or this reflection I had recently. I have been married three times. My son was born of my second wife. I briefly confused him the other day when I informed him that his mother was my midwife. Technically true. But young folks tend to take things so literally...
My own brain jumps around quite freely. I was watching a news story on a naval battle and kamikaze pilots trying to kill our people. Wow, I thought, what an extreme way to wipe out sailors. Right after that a commercial came on for Flomax. As they went through their side effects thing, I thought, ahah! Too bad they didn’t have that weapon.
Because according to the disclaimer I think I heard, Flomax can cause a drastic decrease in seaman.
America, ya gotta love it.

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