Friday, October 17, 2008

#870 Lavender State

Here we go again Joe. This election’s got folks more excited than a jolt of Viagra. Everyone loves a good election.
But, like Viagra, it has drawbacks.
Some people seeing blue. Some people seeing red. Dangling chads. Polling difficulties.
And once again we’re subjected to endless analyses of what’s a red state and what’s a blue one. You know, it’s funny. If you put red and blue together, you get purple. And if you add the white of undecided to the mess, you get lavender. That’s right, what’s left when red, white, and blue are all mixed together is lavender.
Interesting, since one of the big election issues is gay marriage.
Last election it was real tiebreaker. The opposition this election is not so firm. The economy is once again front and center.
At the Vice Presidential debate the economy came up quite a bit. He was mild up to that point, but you could tell when he finally struck with his economic message, that Joe had been Biden his time. And that Sarah was Palin by comparison.
You know the ironic thing about red and blue states? Red states are typically rural and less densely packed. Why is that?
Because all the people who used to live there have moved away to blue states.
Blue states are typically the dense population centers. How did they get dense? Business people, typically Republican, built industries there that attracted labor.
So the Republicans created blue states. Which vote Democrat. The Republicans brought Democrats together to become an effective voting block against them. Now that’s bi-partisanship!
You might say they put the lead in the pencil that’s marking the ballot against them.
Supposedly a lot of those Democrats are having a hard time with Obama, because the media elite are falling into the Republican characterization of calling him elitist.
When someone on the right pulls him or herself up from poor beginnings, he or she’s a Horatio Alger type. When they do it on the left they’re elitist.
I wish Obama had a younger brother or cousin named Al to help him get out the southern vote.
Al Obama.
You may groan now.
Funny Guy on the Prowl, putting the pun in punditry.
America, ya gotta love it.

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