Wednesday, November 21, 2007

#645 Vocation Time

So I was at this vocational job fair the other day. And I found out in no uncertain terms one of nature’s truths.
The young keep getting younger.
Man, young people are young these days.
But I got to hand it to them, they asked some hard questions. And some fun ones. A couple of them asked if I’d ever met anyone famous. I told them I’d met the Shipwreck Beads Pirate and they were pretty impressed.
Then I said I’d met Bob Hope and they said, who’s Bob Hope? Um, I stammered, suddenly befuddled, he was this old comedian that, um, died.
In advertising, we call it top of mind recognition. The Shipwreck Beads Pirate is yarring everyday. Bob Hope was crowded out by Ronald McDonald long ago.
The world has turned.
Like when I met Bob Hope, he was in Los Angeles International Airport. And he was in the loading gate waiting area swinging his trademark golf club.
You can’t bring golf clubs past the security screening area any more. Terrorists you know.
They’re devils with the ancient martial art of golf club swinging, Tai-stick, which involves lots of hooking and slicing with your club.
I’m sure you remember the character Casey, in Teenage Ninja Turtles, who first revealed the art to America.
Back to the job fair and the “have you ever met anybody famous” question. I answered to one polite young lady that I knew the guy who did America Ya Gotta Love It. She was thrilled.
When I revealed that he was also me she was beside herself, then proceeded to ask me if I really did only give out one piece of candy corn on Halloween. Just a joke, I said. I thought so, she replied knowingly.
Truth be told, I was the one who was nearly speechless. I was quite flattered; I had an image you, my target listener, and somehow it didn’t involve high school.
So thanks, in the end there’s only one job at the job fair that mattered. Making it your job to keep asking those hard questions.
Cause when you do, you’re making the world a better place.
America, ya gotta love it

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