Wednesday, May 30, 2007

#526 Riddle of Diddle

I suppose there must be a name for my disease, but I’ve never found it.
Synesthesia is the closest.
People that mix up their senses and say they hear tastes and smell texture.
I just get hung up on the feeling of words.
Sometimes words just don’t feel right or they feel too right.
I’m not talking about your average odd meaning. Like the other night when I was at this meeting and a guy was talking about seaplanes coming in for a landing.
Can you land seaplanes?
I’m talking about the way I felt the other day. I heard Bo Diddley had to go to the hospital because of a stroke. The radio announcer referred to him as Mr Diddley.
Sorry, that sound feels funny.
“Bo Diddley” had somehow engrained itself into my mind so that I had formerly not separated out the comic aspects of the independent term “Diddley”.
As in, you don’t know diddley, and you don’t know diddley squat.
“Diddley squat” is apparently the superlative form of diddley. You can say diddlier but not diddliest—you say diddley squat.
Tragically, Mr. Diddley sounds like a pervert Punch and Judy puppet. Look out for Mr. Diddley, kids. Always tell an adult if Mr. Diddley bothers you.
Or maybe just someone who twiddles his thumbs a lot. Or does odd and unspeakable things with those plastic discs.
Diddley winks.
Later, I was at a video store and saw the used DVDs they had on sale. Except they didn’t have them advertised with any such crude name as “used.”
They were “previously viewed DVDs.”
And they were on sale, because, lord knows, I don’t want to pay full price for something that’s already been viewed by someone else.
It damages a product so.
LOOKING at it.
Got a bunch of eye germs in the laser divots. Heaven forbid.
Someone else SAW it first.
Now if that someone was Superman and he happened to accidentally x-ray it, or possibly the Cyclops X-Man guy melting the megabits, discount okay.
But as far as I know just watching something doesn’t do diddley.
America ya gotta love it

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