Monday, October 01, 2007

#609 Queasy Latte

There was once a concoction that emerged from necessity. The necessity arose from the unfortunate fact that meat spoils.
Back in the days before refrigeration, meat spoiled more frequently and so various methods were devised to keep meat edible longer. Sausages and sausage-like things from chorizo to haggis were rendered by different world cultures as a way of preserving precious protein for a time when game was not in abundance.
Various spices and whatnot were added to disguise the flavor of nearly-turned meat. Vinegars, wines and distilled spirits contributed their dual effect of preserving and disinfecting. Strong spices like nutmeg, clove, mace and cinnamon, were particularly effective in masking “off” flavors.
I don’t know about you, but I can always tell. If the meat has gone over, no amount of cinnamon is going to disguise that wannabe liver taste from my palate.
One these mixtures began to include fruit and nuts. Then they added molasses. Today’s recipes for it often include finely chopped venison or beef sirloin, sometimes even ground beef.
It’s not necessary, by the way, to let the meat spoil first.
Other ingredients include raisins, chopped apple, fresh citrus peel, currants ,candied fruit, citron, brandy, rum, and if meat is absent, suet.
Ah suet, nothing like a nice layering of greasy animal fat to enhance any dish.
The concoction is then aged to deepen flavors—as if the meat wasn’t old enough to begin with.
So here’s the deal as I get it. You got your spoiled or spoiling meat, you add everything you can think of in the pantry, including apparently, old fruitcake.
Then you serve it up for the holidays. Maybe even in a pie.
What is this great culinary workaround?
And bonus, today’s mincemeat usually contains no meat.
What got me going on this was a sign I saw at an espresso stand. It was offering mincemeat lattes.
Eeyew. They may be totally vegetarian, but really. The idea of lattes associated in any way with the word meat...
“Here you go, sir, here’s your meat latte. Do you need room with that—for gravy?”
America, ya gotta love it

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