Wednesday, February 08, 2012

1671 Fashionists

I read an interesting little factoid the other day about useless attempts to legislate conformity. Turns out a Shreveport Louisiana official has introduced a bill to ban the wearing of pajamas in public. If he was smart, he would just fine folks instead. That way he could introduce a ban to bill people for wearing PJs in Public.
This too shall fail. Fashion is as fashion does, and the best thing to do is wait it out. It's all context anyhow. How are pajamas different than sweatpants, or tights, or MC Hammer jams? And really, were 80s parachute pants that much of a stylistic upgrade?
The story said that what set the thing off was when Parish Commissioner Michael Williams saw youths wearing pajama bottoms at Wal-Mart and felt a line must be drawn. He said, "Today it's pajamas, tomorrow it’s underwear, where does it stop?"
Oh, I don't know, a moo-moo?
Sorry to break it to Parish-man Williams, but obviously he hasn't seen those "People of Wal-Mart" photo spreads circulating on the web. Pajamas are the least of our worries. Eight Ball jackets, camo bustiers strangulating muffin tops, and Wrangler-induced carpenter pencil holders are more of a concern.
Personally, I'd much prefer a loose garment like pajamas that tend to drape and conceal rather than constrict and reveal. As far as being worried about wearing underwear in public—what's the difference between a bikini, and a bra and panty set, other than context?
And as for his question of where it will all stop. I've been watching a lot of old Star Trek episodes lately. According to them, the future will apparently hold a fashion obsession with garments of velour.
Which surprisingly, looks like a lot of people are walking around in Pajamas...
America, ya gotta love it.

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